Sunday, July 28, 2013

Boston's Finest B & E

It's 3:03 a.m. and Boston's Finest(Estb. 1854) has just finished doing reconnaissance and dusting my place for finger prints.
After a late night B & E, I placed a call to my local 911. Before long, and after establishing that my event is a non-critical emergency, the 911 operator dispatches Boston's Blue to my address. Within 30 minutes, I receive a call that they are down stairs waiting. An officer responds, followed by a sergeant and a detective.
Every day officers from the Boston Police Department (BPD) make their way to residents and citizens in need of their assistance. And though it is not my wish to ever have to call them for any type of emergency, it is nice to know that they are there and on call 24 hours a day 7 days a week and 365 days out of the year. Wait... lets make that 425 days of the year, if you calculate officers over time, take away from family time and just plain time to contribute to making our lives a little more comfortable.
Have you ever stopped to think what The City would be like without them. How much more insecure would you feel? Think about it. No one to call during the Marathon emergency, no direction during special events, no response to emergencies such as a violent crime, and no one to respond to the smaller emergencies. No one to intervene in domestic violence, in general no one to offer a safer more secure City.
Granted the BPD is not perfect, but I have to acknowledge the fact that neither am I; so it is important to acknowledge what we appreciate about them when our opportunity comes.
Thank you for standing up to the criminals that are not concerned about the quality of life most people want for their children; thank you for stopping by the schools and talking to the students to create a better relationship with students and letting them know that you are there to help them first, not threaten them; thank you for being considerate and allowing the ambulances to make their way during an emergency; thank you for getting out of bed to dust for fingerprints because someone broke into my house; thank you for being approachable and thank you for not disliking me because another citizen was a jerk and fucked up your day.
Your job is a tough one on many levels; from salary restrictions and cutbacks to risking your life and everything between those ends of the spectrum; office politics, law suits, lies and challenges towards advancement; and the resources you need will not always be at your disposal-- you try harder nonetheless. I appreciate everything you do right, every time you do the right thing and every time you try to do that.
From us, the residents of Boston who don't take time to thank you enough. Thank You. Please continue to do your best and I will continue to acknowledge why we should be thankful you are here.
I say hello every time I pass you even if I don't know you; I may say have a great day, just because I don't think anyone else has and perhaps that is enough to make a difference in your day. I hope the result is that you might make things a bit easier on someone else-- pay it forward.
You put in a lot of hours and a lot of years, but it does not go without thanks for what you add to the City, and the people who live here-- we are in need of your service.
After a total of about 3 hours, all of the officers from Boston's Finest have left the crime scene in my home. My home has returned to the secure feeling place it was at one time, despite the impact of the criminal who broke in, knowing that Boston's Finest is not too far away. Though every mystery will not be solved, every criminal will not be caught; justice will not always be served, you still make a difference.
In their wake (the visitors in Blue), advise, good conversation, assurance, and insights that reinforce my confidence in their ability to carry our their job. They leave me with a bit more appreciation then before they arrived. They are good people, not just cops.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Victims and Vigilance Who is to Blame

This is just a surface analysis of the Trayvon Martin case.  While it provides some detailed references and questions, it is by no means comprehensive.  It is simply to state that each person with an opinion should do some research and think more critically about the circumstances surrounding this case.  Arguments can be made for both sides; it is a troubling case that will be studied for years to come.

There is a troubling culture in the United States-- violence.  From the outsiders perspective, the disparity in the level of imprisonment in the U.S. outweighs that of any developed nation.  The United States not only has the most prisoners among any developed nation, the United States has the highest prison population in the world (2009 International Studies for Prison Studies) with over 2 million individuals incarcerated.  So while we might not be able to compete for low wages in the functioning part of society, our prison population quite possibly offsets that factor through privatization of the prison systems.  Is there something wrong with this association?  Yes.

Who was following whom?  Who was carrying a gun?  Who ignored the police urging that he stay in his car?  Who thought that the other was one of "them," someone about to get a away with something? (Southern Poverty Law Review)

Currently with the debate regarding George Zimmerman acquittal of murder and or/ manslaughter of Travyon Martin, United States is once again facing its shadow that prevails over its glory-- events which occurred on the night of February 26, 2012.

Despite the strong bias one might feel in this case, it is important to look more deeply at some facts and issues surrounding this case.  It is the nature of humans especially in the U.S. to look only at what comes out in the news and other media sources; we also listen to public figureheads that are not quite as reliable as we would like them to be.  In situations such as this it is important to delve more deeply into the matter to arrive at some deductions and conclusions that offer a more accurate and reliable data conclusion.
At first glance it can be troubling to see the results of this Travon/ Zimmerman case, but there are some important factors and legal aspects to consider to think more critically.  So helpful at doing some surface analysis I considered the following:

  1. defining the terms of the accusations in the case
  2. understanding more about the case itself 
  3. listening to the 911 call recordings
  4. considering the timing of events
  5. assessing the factors in the causes of action
  6. reviewing the explanation of the laws regarding manslaughter and second degree murder

More alarming is the disproportionate number of people who are Black or Hispanic where the conviction rates and sentencing are off the chart when compared to their white counterparts.  Some data suggests that

Paul Barret of Business Weeks Politics and Policy laid out valid points regarding the case the first of which is that Zimmerman is guilty for pursuing his victim when he should have remained in his car as advised by law enforcement.  Had Zimmerman remained in his vehicle, the fact is Trayvon Martin would likely still be alive.

  • According to the Sentencing Project's website, the rate of incarceration for white Connecticut residents in 2005 was 211 per 100,000 people; for black residents it was 2,532 per 100,000. 

Beyond that we must look at the law however fair or unfair it might appear.  Issues that would come up causing a verdict against plaintiff would be adequate provocation; withdrawal, .  Self defense is the easy low hanging fruit that we as observers would gnaw away at, but would our assessment be accurate?  From a bias perspective it is easy to say that a man with a gun could not possibly be defending himself against a teenage boy with no weapon; however, one the act of violence is initiated several other factors come into consideration.  Did the defendant attempt to remove himself from harm, or did Trayvon attempt to remove himself from harm recognizing that Zimmerman was drawing a weapon.  Additionally did his actions (the defendant) have any other purpose?  If Trayvon was intimidated (which is almost impossible to determine), he could easily have murdered Zimmerman if he felt his life were in jeopardy. 

Murder requires unlawful killing with "malice aforethought" (i.e., intent to kill, knowledge of death or unreasonably high risk of injury will result / “depraved heart”, or intent to commit a felony).   While Zimmerman could be culpable based on his intention of following the victim; it is difficult to state that his intent, based on his conversation with the 911 operator, was to "kill or commit a felony".  Under the "Substantial Step", penal code, Zimmermans decision to get out of his car and follow Martin, could be punishable by law if his intent was to commit a crime of murder.  The challenge to this fact is that he called the police, an action an individual with criminal intent would not likely carry out, unless she/ he had planned out such a crime.

Actus reus and mens rea both come into play here (i.e. the physical portion of the crime and the mental portion of the crime).  When Zimmerman got out of his vehicle we cannot with absolution determine that he made a mental decision to attack and kill Martin.  His physical behavior was not aggressive nor was his mental behavior that of someone who intended to kill an individual as mentioned above, it is not likely that one would call the police while intending to commit the crime of murder (which would essential seal their fate). 

What Does "...up to no good." Mean
There is much to be said however regarding Zimmerman's conversation with the 911 operator.  For example the language "I think he is up to no good", followed by "these assholes, they always get away." suggest a turning point in Zimmerman's behavior, from observer, to stalker.  Perhaps the prosecutors should have spent more time considering this angle.  At this point he is making a conscious decision to exercise prejudice in his actions.

What were Zimmerman's Actions 
Did Zimmerman use his gun to protect himself because of a perceived threat, or was he in control of his actions?  Because so little is truly understood about Zimmerman's actions, we cannot say whether he lost control of his abilities regarding he being the attacker (initiating the conflict) or the victim (i.e. Martin initiated the attack).  This makes this case more challenging.  The autopsy should have revealed more in terms of the struggle itself.


THC levels and whatever amount of marijuana found in Martin's system or on his person are by no means rationale for mind altering responses.  

The 911 Recordings
If you listen to the 911 Operator recordings, you hear concerned residents calling (wikipedia files) in the event from where they stand, hear, and see, but you cannot conclusively say that the individual shouting for help is Trayvon Martin or Zimmerman, before hearing the assumed shot in the background.  Again, none of the witnesses stated that they actually saw a gun, but we can draw certain conclusions and testimony and collected evidence answers the weapons possession issue.  Law enforcement officers were also negligent for sending narcotics investigators rather than detectives to provide a more accurate assessment of the circumstances.  This would clearly work in Zimmerman's favor.  

The autopsy states that the gun was between 1-18 inches from Trayvon's chest.  There is a significant difference in this research.  One's actions at one 1 inch suggest a very different action that one's potential actions at 18 inches.  At 18 inches, the opportunity to offer a warning from a pursuant are much more likely to deter that pursuant if you have a gun.  At a range of one inch, it could be argued that there was a struggle and the firing of the gun was a result of that struggle.

The conversation Mr. Martin was having with his girlfriend moments before his death suggest that she was advising him to run, while simultaneously Zimmerman was speaking with police that Martin was on the run.  These two pieces of information clearly have very differing perspectives on what was occurring.  For Mr. Martin, he was being pursued and felt threatened by Zimmerman, immediate grounds for self defense, therefore Martin could have been vindicated in his response to Zimmerman approaching him.  Attacking Zimmerman would be completely justified.  While Zimmerman (a perceived assailant) was monitoring Martin's activity.  Did Zimmerman have a right to stalk, Martin?  Which would be Martin's perspective if he 1) understood the law and 2) was still alive. 

These events surrounding Trayvon Martin should really force and encourage all citizens to look at the disparities rather than solely the event itself.  If in fact Trayvon Martin killing should have been resulted in the conviction of Zimmerman's for manslaughter and second degree murder, but did not; we need to arrest our law; look at what revisions mandate change; and accommodate a more balanced system that is truly based on one's actions.  

Under the law, Zimmerman should never have left his vehicle; the 911 operator should have given firm instructions for Zimmerman to remain in his vehicle rather than state that " don't need to do that..."; Fact, Zimmerman pulled a gun and a trigger, but that in itself is not a crime if you are "defending yourself" against a life threatening confrontation; and prejudice is not enough to convict someone of a murder.  Yet, it is Zimmerman's perception that a threat was real, his belief that "those people always get away" that resulted in Trayvon Martin's death.  

One thing is certain, taking one's life must be based on more than looking like a suspicious character.  But at the same time we cannot overwhelmingly state, beyond a shadow of a doubt that George Zimmerman is guilty.  It is difficult to reconcile this but it is something that should force us to assess the legal system which allows an individual to walk away with complete freedom after taking another persons life based on perception. 

Condolences to the family as no persons child should leave this planet before their parents.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Amazing Life Amazing People

It was 3:00 p.m. Sunday afternoon on a late Spring day.  Having gotten up early to do some gardening, much of the day got away from me.  It was about this time that I was feeling like I needed to be doing something else.  I didn't just want to go for a drive but I was still lost... almost lacking focus.

I fired up the Harley Davidson VROD, having decided that I would take a quick spin since it was so nice outside.  Still, I wasn't sure where it was taking me.  Initially I planned on going to the grocery store to get some multi-grain bread.  While Trader Joes has my favorite bread, they don't have many of my other favorites (I try to stay away from processed foods).

My friends in Estonia have a strong sense of national pride and it is one of the things that makes them so amazing to me (Allan and Karoli).  And this is the heart of this article, the impact friends have on what you do in life.  Where you meet them, what is occurring at the time and where you are spiritually/ metaphysically etc.

I lead a very ordinary live, my experiences are exceptional, and exceptional experiences become what they become because of what I want out of those experiences.  Secondly, the people I meet are amazing not because of who they are (meaning their social status) or what they have, but because of what they want out of life.  Zach C. I met during his short and simple visit in Boston, but he had a lasting impact on me as a result of our discussion about decisions regarding college, professional writing experiences, social networks and technology.  Lisa is a woman I met from Canada who moved to Australia.  She is amazing in so many ways; from the very natural way she inspires me to write to her insights into my being, she seems to understand things about me no one else does.  Andre and Andria befriended me and have become life long friends after talking about my book Seed (still in the works).  Andria's background directly relates to the topic of my writing interests.  Lise from Quebec has an exceptional gift of kindness and has invited me to come and visit with her and her husband.  They are an extraordinary couple and seeing them together elevates the joy in my heart-- there relationship is magical yet simple.  David who is an English specialist from Switzerland has chosen to return for another visit.  David also dances competitively (he is quite good).  And Amanda and Mark, whom I visited with last summer opened their home and hearts each is a master in their fields of photography and sculpture (respectively).

I have made friends with people all around the world.  Today was exception on a local level.

Four years ago I met Mario after purchasing a sailboat to sail from Boston to Cape Cod, on my first solo open water journey.  No instructions just faith, research for what I needed.  Prior to making the full trip, I connected with Mario after searching for an alternative motor for my sailboat on Craigslist.  Mario provided  a motor I needed to make the trip safe.  Upon arriving in Hull, MA, Mario greeted me with kindness and as promised, a motor.  Harry was a long time friend of Mario's and offered a battery that I needed, further ensuring safe travels.  So my motorcycle ride took me across Boston, into Cambridge, back to Boston and then out to Wollaston Beach in Quincy, then to Hingham and finally to Hull, where I would be reacquainted with Mario after passing his house-- four years after our initially meeting.  Having passed his house, I turned around noticing two boats in the driveway.  That had to be him I thought.  To my pleasant surprise, Mario was working on his boat.  We greeted each other as old friends might.  His hands soiled with grease and dirt from working on the motor, firmly gripped my own, it was a comforting familiarity.  We began talking about sailing, motorcycles and Craigslist- as friends would.

Each of the persons I have just spoken of reflect something in me that is somewhat of a quest.  Perhaps it is a quest to get the most out of life, possibly to answer questions I have not been able to answer myself, or perhaps it is to engage with people who seem to make my life more amazing just by knowing them.  Their kindness, positive energy and personal journeys speak volumes of what I seek myself.  In this respect I suppose we are very much the same.  We all had a journey, a story to share and a desire to listen for something new.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Anonymous...What is the Absence of a Name Responsible for Action or Justice; The Question Is...

"We are group of concerned citizens that have recognized an injustice in the system."

It is 11:24 and I have just returned home from working with a client.  HP posted an article that continues to surface in the plight of women, girls and injustice in the balance of the Scale-- we know as Justice.
One can debate what is right or wrong according to the rule of law, but what cannot be disputed is the fundamental understanding of human nature's moral compass.
We don't resist government as a people for the sake of resisting government.  With the proper infrastructure, accountability and commitment, a governing body can be very effective.  There is no reason be stand against corporations, if they are guided by the same standards and expectation that individuals are suppose to be held to.  What then is the problem?

Exceptions interfere with consistency and continuity.  A claim is made about right or wrong; positions are taken on behalf of interest...  But who's interest.  Sure our founding bodies that created the Constitution had ideals in mind that would protect the well being of individuals, however corruption and currency got in the way and forever changed our destiny.
So at this cross roads what do we do?  We could minimize years of fabricated and/ or real conflict and get at the root of such disharmony by rethinking about how we look at more effective ways to meet the needs of the general population.  From redistribution of wealth to people friendly policies (so as not to get conflicted with social policies).  We are the People; and the only entitlement we deserve is a society based on egalitarian structures that rectify the imbalances of greed and secularism.
Liberate justice, not in the form of retaliation but restoring balance and accountability.  Is government is off kilter? Yes.  

Can it be fixed? Yes.  But the road to redemption is a long one. This oration is not a depiction of religious discourse, but that of the moral compass of man kind.

Fix what is wrong as leaders, not to control or punish but to bring back the balance to a scale that has long remained uncalibrated and diminishing in purpose and meaning. 

" I do not pretend to understand the moral universe; the arc is a long one, my eye reaches but little ways; I cannot calculate the curve and complete the figure by the experience of sight; I can divine it by conscience. And from what I see I am sure it bends towards justice." (Theodore Parker; wikipedia)

Monday, April 8, 2013

Self Wellness and Spring

06:09 a.m. and I am calmly racing to the beachfront to enjoy the Sunrise.  The anticipation of this amazing moment in time also reminds me about the importance of self wellness.  Sunrise is at 6:14 today

The grains of sand still moist from the cool night air, the air itself is crisp which is a perfect compliment to the warmth that is soon to engage me.  Befuddled I am, for it is an amenity we often take for granted yet without it, we would be extinct.  It makes sense to greet the Sun daily, acknowledging how much we appreciate what it offers from the warmth of a perfect summer day to the photosynthetic process that provides nourishment  for our biological system-- all of this without expectations.  Why do we not start each day with a ritualistic greeting of appreciation for the sun?

Light blue fades to a tinge of auburn followed by a grayish orange as the clouds across the horizon experience first light.

Peaking now through the openings, a subtle brilliance reveals itself as I my pace slows even further.  I breathe in slowly, allow my eyelids to fall downward and my arms to go limp for a moment.  My body pauses to take in all that is around me as my senses liven-- ahhhhummmm.  The vibration of my deepening tones help awaken my relaxation state of being.  I feel my inner self expand and contract once again.  I have resolved in this moment to reside in an imperturable state of mind... committed to balance and inner peace that is real.

So not to neglect the gift of vision, I open my eyes to embrace fully, what gift is on the horizon. My eyes lock with what appears to be an orange globe, perfectly round and inviting.  My mind speaks quietly, allowing my soul to relax... another expansion and contraction of my lungs absorb the fullness of the morning air as it patiently shifts from cool to warm with the advent of a daily occurrence I call warming.  Personalizing naturally occurring events can help one engage more fully.

Warming is the sunrise effect for me because it does so much more than just warming the Earth; it warms both literally and metaphorically-- what a gift.

As I go through the motions of my posing meditations, I commit to the Sun, rather than pray to it.  This experience is not one or religion, this experience is based on the joy I feel each day, my gratitude for the rising Sun, and the peace it brings into my life.

Daylight is here, Spring has come, and Summer eagerly awaits me, knowing I fully appreciate what lies ahead-- Oh joy...  It is 6:32 what a way to begin living each day.

Be Well and Enjoy the Day

Word of The Day
Daily practice: imperturable: extreme calm, serene, incapable of being upset or agitated

Thursday, April 4, 2013

How to Affect Change(part IV)

As mentioned previously, the leader has already set the tone for such changes in his or her expectations, illustrating their vision that is easily recognizable in his or her behavior, touch points, and establishing a revised mission that is set forth according to the times.  Remember that a strategic planning process that begins at the top levels is the catalyst for this activity.  In an ideal situation this process is occurring on the heals of a previous strategic plan.  In other scenarios, there may be an urgent need for change.

As a final note, every organization and individual within it should plan and consider time for the unexpected.  Shooting from the hop is a recipe for failing.  Acknowledge the 7P's but don't dwell on them.  I have never in my many years of consulting experienced work with an organization that did not have issues with short staffing and/ or,  the frustration of constant disruption to their routine because of someone else's needs.  By creating a work flow for yourself, you can begin to really understand how your time management is working for or against you.  Look at where most of your disruptions occur and get a grip on what you need to do to manage them.  Disruptions may be major or minor but a strategy for assessing them is important.  You will make noticeable gains in productivity, that you never imagined possible.  This section could easily be an entire book but this will have to do for now.

The former merely present some fictitious scenarios that should come into consideration when moving towards deeply embedded change.  Consultants offer a fresh eye to help pace and order the steps of change; they should have the tools to do scenario planning and allow the CEO to have a 30,000 foot view for a small fee, without investing too much up front.   Integration of change features results in a more holistic change that can be believed and adapted throughout the entire organization.

Friday, March 29, 2013

How to Affect Change(Part II)

The above technical change differs significantly from a cultural change which represents an entirely different set of dynamics.  There is an old saying if you want to compete today, invest in technology, if you want to compete tomorrow invest in people.  The reason is simple, capital and technology investments have a unique absence of personalities.  Some would say that life would be easier without such personalities but they do add value despite the required investment in time and human energy towards shifting the culture of an organization.  That's right, we are talking about a cultural shift.  For all the emotionalism that comes with cultural change, so too do improvements in the relationships attached internally and externally.  Unlike capital and other technology investments, human nature is non-linear.  Unexpected shifts in human behavior in response to change can put an organization on lock-down, forcing leadership to make unpleasant decisions.  Such decisions can result in loss of intellectual capital, meaningful relationships with clients and disrupt the infrastructure.  Yet, in such scenarios, staffing changes can be an organizational imperative.  Leadership must lead, or assess their ability to do so and possibly make even more personal decisions regarding the choice to continue heading up an organization.

Leaderships role is to set the tone for change.  Creating a clear direction under their vision is critical.  Expectations must be established in order to fully and effectively implement change.  Communication needs to be unified and adhered to, in order to ensure continuity.  Checking in with departments following an organization-wide message(delivered initially by the CEO) is essential.  The departmental leaders will be responsible for oversight of the execution of the message.  Reporting upward, managers and directors will have used tools to assess progress as they set milestones; where in most cases have initial benchmarks (this is especially true when technology is part of the change) will be a prerequisite.  Tools come in the form of research, procurement training, consultants etc.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

How to Affect Change(Part I)

Change can be a menacing endeavor.  Within an organization, whatever troubles that were created from the evolution of your company (mismanagement, lack of insight, inability to adapt to the changing landscape), will increase with the suggestion of change.  Though there are many approaches it is important to keep a couple of things in mind.

There are two primary categories that are the heartbeat of an organizations 1) technical areas and 2) cultural areas.

Briefly, the technical aspect deals with a more direct or assertive approach to the systems that can affect change.  These systems include software and hardware updates, capital investments etc. that will improve the systems performance without regard to people(generally speaking).  If production is down it could be time to research and invest in new equipment.  A genuine and in depth relationship must exist between the departments responsible for areas, i.e. the technology department(technology) or plant/ equipment managers.  This decision allows members of the team to research performance needs, production enhancements, alignment between what the organizational goals are and any acquisitions being made.  More on that later.

The purpose of the investment in technology demonstrates a clear and intentional move towards change with an immediate impact.  Large capital and technology investments are simple in many ways because they produce very specific output and help to achieve targeted outcomes-- similar to how a scientist might think.  Their course is set only by the limitation of people's abilities, the design of the product based on need, and the amount of money you can afford to invest.  Perhaps the most important aspect of such an investment is the leaderships clarity of what the future goals of the organization are and how such an investment gets them closer to achieving that goal.

(parts 2,3 and 4 will be published over the next two weeks)


(Scotland is a management consultant specializing in strategic planning and organization development)

How to Affect Change(Part III)

Human nature should not allow an organization to be shut down, but it does mean that time will be required to implement change.  You can not create an environment where individuals feel threatened to the change, rather they should feel encouraged to support the effort.  What does this mean and how is it accomplished?  Consider a scenario with Mary Elizabeth who worked in the technology for 25 years; Mary was well respected and established in her ways.  Mary Elizabeth might be in need of a little prodding due to her resistance to the new direction of the company having long established controls, processes and tradition in her work flow.  Even the shift in roles and responsibilities might present a challenge.  In this case you might want to begin by explaining how the current condition would continue to present further setbacks, that support for change is expected from new comers as well as veterans.  And following up with the something like the valuable knowledge that she offers in terms of parts of the old system that are successful and yet areas that require a new infusion in order to meet the organizational changes.  Detailing how these changes should be felt and thus should be implemented throughout, that each department and individual will be held accountable is a key part of the communication.

Another important event that needs to occur is integration.  Once an assessment of the players on the team, the affected stakeholders, and the technology or capital investments required is done, a solid plan should be sketched for how these new ideologies will fit together.  A special implementation team at the highest level is a good idea.  Here is where you discover the depth of your work. By this time the adjustments in staffing are in motion, determining what technical support structures are needed all come together.  Remember testing is still occurring during this phase (on the capital or technology side,) as the programs or equipment needed still requires benchmarks to determine the level of effective integrity for your organizations needs.  Suppliers should play a key role here as well, so you don't have to make a full investment until your gains can be fully realized.  The other side of the confidence comes in having the right players on your team who can accurately test for the necessary design integrity, maximizing productivity.  While this is occurring you are simultaneously preparing your team around the required cultural changes.

Friday, March 22, 2013

New York, Personal Development, Journeys and Paths

New York City, just having recovered from an unexpected amount of snowfall the night before, I am sitting in my hotel room after benefiting from doing one of my favorite things.  Being caught off readiness for a few brief unexpected moments, with an individual.  As a member of my client group, she wanted to talk about my philosophy around happiness as it relates to personal development.

These conversations tend to be heart-felt and meaningful.  Because it takes me to a space I truly enjoy being in, I am always glad to fit it into my schedule-- even unexpectedly.  Events such as this also help me reinforce what I believe deeply; that once you understand happiness, you will never allow yourself to go back to any other permanent space.  Maintaining a state of happiness is or understanding how to achieve it can be technical in that there can often provide steps to get closer to where one might want to be (you will have to where that is for yourself in many cases).

The conversation began with asking how I got to be where I am.  A very provocative questions, much more meaningful than a simple what do you do.  I understood instantly what she meant; it had nothing to do with me being great or impressive, but everything to do with seeking a pathway to arrive at a place of peace, fulfillment, continuation of your journey that has meaning and is not just an activity based obligation.

There are some simple rules to follow the first of which is to be humble.  I consider it a great honor to be asked question such as this because it means that I am on the right path.  To be worthy to be asked a question about something is a great responsibility; it means second, that you have a responsibility to be honest and truthful, as well as liberal about what you are about to... third) share (the true gift of sharing is not to expect anything in return, similar to the gift of giving).  My genuine hope is that my words help others to grow, not because of who one might be or their status, but because of what exists that is able to be seen if only looked upon the right way.  This revelation comes because of the way something is said or presented not to the credit of who is saying it.  The balance of giving and receiving can be found here, and explains why one must give liberally; you will at some point also receive equally.  Why? Because the doors of opportunity open and we become more understanding of those doors as portals to where we should be directing our energies for our next movement, as we give and share. These are Windows (for me), many of which I have.

My Windows allow me to explore how to improve my capacities in the human experience; the capacity to listen, Love, understand, be more effective, advance my goals, and get closer to being the person that I am in pursuit of.  One example is sailing.  Sailing moves my soul in a very personal way, whether sailing with someone or alone it ups my level of connection with myself, the environment, even my work objectives; it provides me with the space to find out where I am with something, removes any clutter and repairs areas within I didn't know needed my attention.  Each person has these Windows, but they are not always understood.

I have chosen Windows because they metaphorically and literally are very important in my life.  I need to see things clearly.  In my work I need to be able to see clearly what my clients need to align and clear certain systems.  With my personal activities I may need to see clearly why I am doing something and with what purpose.  I can better arrive a answers that make sense and add continuity to my actions, improving my results overall.

...How did I arrive in the space I am now?  Many years of self examination, empirical data, technical understandings, and a continual search to be driven by where I am not yet.  I suppose it is an obsession to be right with all things (possible or not, from a practical perspective), but man is not always practical.   My destination is ahead of me and my hope is to catch up to it one day.  In the process, I will continue to work on myself, offer what I learn as a tool for others only if they would like to receive it; and leave the space I occupy better then when my person occupied it.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Ready for Something Old, That's New

Words from a friend, memories of our past; a change that is familiar.  This is where this short story begins- at the end.

Yesterday I tracked down an old friend.  Curious as to whether the effort to do so even made sense, while going through the hoops of making phone call after phone call, through the city's resources.  Are my expectations too high; are we even in the same place-- in terms of our thinking.

No this isn't about Love, but I have a strong belief that good friendships form when the elements in the Universe are aligned, and the path of two individuals or more cross.  Something amazing happens; it could be that each person just needed to hang out and have a beer; it could be that each person was growing past where they were and evolving into someone/ something new; it could be that it was just the right place and the right time to connect.

These types of events have occurred at different times in my, Guatemala once when I encountered a mixture of international Spanish studying students from Germany, USA, Sweeden and Switzerland all converged in a small town Antigua among the hills in Central America.  One of the best chance encounter experiences of my life.  Interestingly enough, I always associated these encounters with meeting new people, never friends from the past.

We often make the mistake that these events only happen when we fall in Love or get romantic; I am here to tell you some of the most amazing friends I have ever met had nothing to do with romance, but more the right place at the right time.  These are friends for life; these relationships bare the gift of being able to pick up where they left off.

That is where my story picks up.  After calling several city departments, fire stations, and waiting for an emergency to complete it's cycle, etc. I caught up with my friend.  The best thing I could have expected that day was his reaction to my call.

His words were simple "I'm ready for something old, that's new".  This was his response after inquiring about his well being, his family and life in general.  I was glad to hear that he was doing well and even more glad that an old friend, despite the decades that had passed, that the friendship and memories we had as children was strong enough to withstand the test of time.  If nothing else occurred and we never met again, those few words held a lifetime of meaning.  That statement said it all.  There is no substitute for the strength of friendship that has stood the test of time.

If you have this friend, go out and find them.  It will be worth the effort.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Being Happy

by Scotland Willis

1. Make friends and family a priority.

2. Identify your windows: These are the things that as part of your life, can put you "en-joy". E.g. windows are my windows, sailing is a window, hiking is a window, gardening is a window.

3. Commit to being happy: Identify 10 things that make you happy; promise yourself each day you will do at least one of them; you will spend the rest of your life being happy.

4. My daily affirmation: Give me the determination to persevere and the perseverance to endure. For me there isn't one "most important thing" that determines our happiness. We are too complex.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Grand Canyon Do Your Dreams

 Located at a Latitude: 36°15'N Longitude: 112°30'W; across of 4,926 km2 or (1,902 sq mi), resides one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World.  With its astounding depth in character, years and adventure, the Grand Canyon is an experience that will extract you from the cloak that shelters your spirit.  The real question on any journey you take is will you emerge as the same person you were when you began; is the reasoning for the journey a quest for transformation?

It is early February; a moderately packed blanket of snow speckles the forest at nearly 2133 meters (7000 ft) of elevation over the Grand Canyon's South Rim.  A mixture aromas from high desert-like forestry fills one's nasal cavities, the freshness of air somewhat unspoiled by the presence of mankind is omnipresent.

6:30 in the morning, and my eyes slowly opening from a body that has been passively alert since 2:00 a.m. which marked my arrival.  The thoughts of a solo adventure on my mind, into this time capsule, demand my attention.  It is a journey that is or should be on everyone's list to do before they die; not that death is the precursor to motivate anyone for this journey, but that the reality that life is not forever.  This being true, time is of the essence, relative to experiencing this extraordinary geological structure.

Back pack ready for my overnight in the valley of this natural treasure, adds roughly 20 kilo (45 lbs.) to my journey ready to accommodate my nourishment and insulation needs.  And the photographer in me would not allow my camera to be left behind.

Because it is mid-winter, the tourist population is light, making the journey to the bottom of the Canyon a low traffic trek-- no more than eight people did I see, on my descent.  Such conditions made the exploration all the more meaningful and  introspective.  Vast views from vertical and lateral perspectives provided the perfect landscape of analogies for how far and wide I would look within myself for questions and answers.

Switch-backs along the early part of the Kaibab trail were swift going, with the exception of 4-8 centimeters of ice for the first 500 meters of descent.  Mud quickly took over just below this elevation and made for a messy but more interesting hike.  It wasn't long before I began to explore the very questions that make hiking a most fulfilling experience, and result in a longing for more. Why?  There is a type of concupiscence with the natural environment when this begins to occur.  One journey simply isn't enough.

Brief encounters last long enough to increase your motivation to press on, or in some instances, step up your pace.  Whether it is to arrive at your destination sooner with a greater anticipation, to avoid the night fall, or push your physical and mental limits-- there is a shift.  These encounters, for all their similarities, also create mutual bonds among hikers.  I can only explain this as individuals on parallel journeys.  Some encounters last only a minute or two and turn into lasting friendships, others are simply passer byers-- a brief "hi", and acknowledgement of the journey you are both on in opposite directions, though sometimes the same direction.

The camp site was inviting after the joint pounding descent, the relief of the weight under my back pack was also a welcome change.  Surprisingly I took another 5 mile walk after setting up camp- just before the sun set.  Narrowing canyon wall in the valley of time, almost pull you in, resulting in a slight struggle to convince yourself to stop and preserve your energy for needs over wants.  I pass by the Phantom Ranch on a pleasant walk back to my Bridal Trail camp ground, the PR reminds me why I do not prefer to stay at sheltered location but desire something more rugged; I'm here because I am seeking a certain amount of lack of comfort not to be confused with discomfort.  The open air, sounds of the natural environment and wide open  sky, help me understand not only this space but my space.  Amazing night skies plastered with stars provides another explanation for this journey, to learn what we miss in the more modernized environment.

Temperatures dipped below freezing, yet another threshold I would have to adjust for; one I would overcome.  And so I learn more about myself.  Sunrise would be at 7:29 a.m. and though I planned on a 9 or 10 a.m. departure, my stirring soul would not accommodate such a request.  By 7 a.m. I was  back on the trail again, on my journey upward.
On these journeys I find that I don't always go in looking 4 answers, but that I often emerge with answers I did not know I was looking for.  I suppose it is the solitude which empties the space in my mind, the absence of the minutia in daily life; it is at times the prospect of encountering new friends; a discovery of new physical and mental level, a personal triumph etc.  It is always to at least to be in a place I have not yet known, within and without.  This journey is often undefined, yet always fulfilling.

For a complete slide show of the photos from this hike go to this flicker link.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

How to Stay Happy

Happiness is a quintessential emotion in our lives.  We thrive when we are happy, we perform at our best when we are happy, we naturally engage people around us when we are happy, and our life seems to be able to open new doors to where we would like to go next, when we are happy.   A January 3 2013 article in Scientific American says "Mindfulness meditation-- which has been around for well over 2000 years..." has a Mindful Based Stress Reduction"

Here approaches to help keep you in a happier frame of mind and a way to apply them into your own life, if these things present a challenge.  One of the first steps in being happy is to take time out to learn about yourself; from recognizing when emotional shifts are occurring to when chemical reactions occur inside that allow you to achieve what you thought to be impossible, truly understanding your emotions and recognizing barriers that impede your happiness-- no matter who or what they are.

Happiness vs Emptiness: Have you ever noticed when you are really happy, how nothing else seems to matter in that moment.  Maybe it was because of something your children accomplished; a vacation you deserved and you are caught up in the moment of that once-in-a-lifetime euphoria; or perhaps participating in  an activity like sky diving you though you didn't have the courage to do-- but you did it!  It is a wonder that as much as we love to be happy, how little of our time is dedicated to being happy.  Here are a few tips: 1) identify 10 things that make you happy, promise yourself each day you will do at least one of them and spend the rest of your life being happy 2) know that takes you to that emotion level 3) spend time around other people who are happy and you will find that you will become that way more often 4) don't spend your life doing something that doesn't make you happy just because it feels like security or an obligation.  One of the reasons people are trying other career choices is because there are so many resources to help us do and explore that using technology or auditing a graduate course etc.

Relaxation vs Stress: Relaxation is an important function to be able to achieve.  An April 2012 article in Scientific American stated "Stress, in fact, can cripple our most advanced mental faculties".  In our lives we can either reduce stress or make ourselves stress free.  Meditation is a great retreat into yourself that requires no outside forces.  Start with simple 30 second cycles and only one is necessary to begin with.  Remember you are working your way into to this process.  If you can be still in your mind and physically, then I encourage you to do so.  Find a quiet place, all devices that make sound should be turn off, and you may want meditation music or a gentle bubbling fountain in the background.  The easiest way to describe how to achieve the stillness you need, is to not process any thought; if a thought enters your mind, allow yourself to not process the next level of that thought.  So if you are thinking of blue, don't go the the next phase and connect it with the sky or your car etc. just let it be and see if you can stop yourself progressively from thinking any further.

Clarity vs Clutter:  Clarity exists in many forms, mental clarity, our physical space, our homes, or our lives. Organizing our lives is a great was to begin.  We have so much stuff (emotional, physical etc.) that we can't often decide what to do with it all.  Start by asking yourself what I can do without.  When you begin to unload the burdens of friend's expectations of you you also free up some of that space to be a better you, and find other ways to support friends.  Cluttered home space?  Start to post some things online and either give them away or sell them for a few bucks and get a little fuel for your car or buy a public transportation pass

Social vs Isolation: We are social creatures by nature.  Case in point; I sat down with my laptop in the courtyard just the other day; a neighbor was standing on his patio looked over and asked, "can you get online?"   He continued, "...because I can give you my password if you would like to get online" I affirmed that I was already connected, and thanked him- along with an explanation.  Random acts of kindness often can remind us of what a meaningful experience socializing can be.  Though it is easy to get caught up in Web,  take time to get out and connect with others.  A simple greeting, kind gesture, an unselfish act, are ways that reinforce our connection to other people, without obligation but with a great degree of satisfaction.  There are also great social groups that get together such as, where you can connect with like minded people for just about any activity you have an interest in.  Individuals in these groups exist in every major city and many minor ones.  If you haven't been to the theater in years, find where they might be doing free public performances, most cities have them

Peace vs Chaos:  We need little explanation for this one; we all recognize whee things are crazy in our life, but peace of mind differs from happiness in subtle ways.  Feeling good about decisions you make really depend on how you want to feel.  Another way to look at peace of mind is balance in your life.  Here you are fulfilling your obligations while also meeting your personal needs-- which by the way should include being happy.  Yoga, meditation, or just quiet time are excellent for this.  There is not a religion in the world that doesn't talk about the importance of inner peace.  Start with 5 minutes a day if you are way to busy!  Stop everything that is around you from disturbing you and just stop.  This does not have to be meditation time it can just be you time.  You might take a moment to walk outside and appreciate the warmth of the sun on your face, the brisk air if that is your fancy; sit and enjoy being with just yourself.  You will be amazed at how rewarding this activity can be, we don't often stop everything just for nothing.  Remember Chaos can't exist if things aren't moving

Health vs. Neglect:  In a January article in Time magazine researchers state that "...a specific signal that at its peak-- say, when your muscles are screaming that you can't do another rep or your brain refuses to focus on that page-- prompts you to quit.  Managing your personal health is crucial.  A daily health routine can help you get back to center.  Walking, cycling, aerobics, running, weight lifting, are among the most popular activities to partake in.  The great thing about these activities is once you begin the investment is very little.  By a comfortable pair of running shoes and start a conversation with a friend about walking or running regularly.  If you're looking for a little more tempo, purchase a bike on Craigslist to see your level of commitment then step up your game.  You will begin to feel as though your lifestyle cannot do without.  Start your routine of simply and set weekly goals to increase your activity.  Stepping up in 15 minute increments a a really good idea.  Reward yourself when you reach a goal and then step up your level after doing so until you get to where you want to be.

Follow your passion in life:  This section gets a certain level of dedication because of its importance to each one of my readers; not so much because I know you but because almost everyone has a passion for something, they just have not realized that passion-- yet .  Remember what it felt like when you were a kid and had your first thought or big dream about what you realized you wanted to be when you grew up, however real or unreal it feels now.  Two things 1) Are you following your passion and 2) It is not too late.  Passion is a very powerful force; it seems to be able to summons something inside of us we do not realize is there, enabling us to rise above any occasion.  Don't spend the remainder of your life or even another moment postponing your passion.  Even if you only find a way to fit a piece of your passion into your current lifestyle, you will be better off than never following it at all.  Nothing is more rewarding than to do something you have always wanted to do.  Chances are that if you find a way to allow even a pinch of that passion into your life, you will find a way to make it grow.

Happiness depends a lot on self awareness and change.  Be aware of the ebb and flow internally and externally, these are the two systems that are affected by the events that occur in your life.  After you have that awareness be prepared to make incremental changes to bring you closer (without disappointments) to your goals.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Living Your Dream

Living your dream is often clouded by the obligations that clutter our life.  Some of these obligations are necessary others are well deserving of an adjustment.  The real conversation to have with yourself is what is my dream life, how do I begin living my dream life, and what changes do I need to make.

The dictionary's definition of dream is a visionary creation of imagination.  The two most important words in that definition are creation and imagination.  Let's start by looking at creation because often people get confused, and that creation or being creative is a quality that does not necessarily get you far in life unless you are recognized as a having super stardom status in society.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  Creation by definition is the act of bring the world into order or existence... So being creative can be quite orderly and very productive.

Think about how you feel when your creative juice are flowing, whether you're helping your child with an school project, your playing a game, or you have figured out how to navigate a solo hike; it may even have been a time you offered someone really good advice that resulted in their advancement.  Being creative is crucial to our growth and development.  Imagination is similarly misunderstood.

Your imagination helps to visualize what is possible and can very easily lead to fulfilling your dreams.  The dictionary say imagination is the act or power of forming a mental image of something not present in the senses...  Imagination has helped us as a society reach the moon; on an individual level it has lead people to become amazing leaders such as Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, a man who found a deep sense of purpose by imagining liberating a people.  The amazing thing about imagination is that it is so vast, from technology to motivation from dreaming to artwork- it is truly limitless, what better expression of the human spirit is there?

So begin living your dream by allowing your creativity and imagination to go to work for you.  What is so amazing about this allowance is that it costs you nothing and the rewards are amazing.  How do you begin living your dream?  First you must be true to what your dream is.  Do not restrict yourself with initial conditions otherwise your dream will become polluted with barriers.  Second you should be conscious about what it will take to achieve your dream.  Often great sacrifices to things you are attached to must be let go, but that should become part of a plan to achieve your dream.  Determine if those attachments are holding you back, and if so release them.  As you find yourself getting closer you will also find liberated that those attachments did not mean as much as you thought they did.  Third you need a plan that has some guidelines, without knowing what you want to achieve, and understanding when you arrive at that dream, you can easily become lost.  Living your dream life means change at the deepest level, it requires understanding who you are at a primal level; this in of itself will open all kind of doors about who you are, what you really want out of life, who you select to interact with, how you go about having conversations etc.

As you get closer to achieving that dream, new doors will open for you and it will be your task to recognize them and determine if that is the portal to your next dream. Remember that doors may be as simple as feeling more happy or as different as choosing a new career. Life does not have to stop when you have arrived at the dream, that is the beauty of being human, you can continue to dream and set courses to achieve those dream time and time again once accomplished.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Every Year Freeze

 (tap on any of the images to enlarge)
It was a clear day so I did one of my favorite things to do, drive; my other favorite thing to do is being happy.  Today it was the combination of driving, and dropping my body temperature into near freezing water.  I made an early departure out of Boston and headed to Cape Cod so I could jump in the Atlantic Ocean.  This is my new annual ritual as of last year.  The big answer and question towards the end of this article is, Why.  

It was already the 20th of the month and though I did not make my New Year’s Day goal of making the jump on January 1st, I was determined to make it happen today.  The air was warm enough earlier in the day to allow me to open my window for a little while- but only a little while.  As a hiker I started to think about needing to preserve my body heat for when I enter the ocean, so I decided to close the window after about 10 minutes.

Last year, I visited P-Town (Province Town for those who are not familiar with the area), located in Cape Cod.  I went to Herring Cove Beach because it is the farthest point East in the United States.  There is something very special about being at an end point; it arouses something primal, deep within us.  Understanding that there is no more available.  Think about it, no more water, electricity, food, land, people etc.  Upon my arrival for the first time last year, I was surprised to see so many friendly people, seemingly seeking something similar to myself.  Among those people were 4 women who had decided to jump in the Atlantic Ocean naked (commonly called skinny dipping in the U.S.)  I asked them if I could take their picture and they agreed to allow me to do so(see this blog).  Feeling inspired I followed suit, mainly because I had an overwhelming feeling to do something different, memorable.  I recall taking off my clothes and staying in the ocean for about 10 minutes before feeling the need to retreat.  It was much warmer last year(among the 10 warmest in U.S. history) It was also one of the most liberating experiences I ever had.  Something about breaking convention, doing something you have never done, and taking yourself to new limits.

I felt like I had taken life by the horns and continued on the path to shape my own future.  This journey is not new for me; several years ago I made a decision to transform my perspective on life.  I had committed to being happy every day of my life (see blog here).  Put simply, I have molded my life around my Windows- it is those Windows that are the force behind my happiness.

I arrived at my destination and reflected briefly on the road trip out here.  The fact that it was Winter, the trees were bare left me feeling very alone though listening to Sarah McLachlan Building A Mystery, kept me company.  Now at Herring Cove, I drove over small piles of sand left by the strong winds, mading my way to the parking lot; a long stretch of space to accommodate the large population of Summer visitors- very different than today.  Though by the time I departed, there were probably 20 cars on the beach.

The ocean swells were close to seven feet (2.2 meters).  For a moment I thought about the risk of an under tow that could potentially pull me under.  The winds were billowing at about 35 miles per hours, the tide was rising and it made sense for me to give this a second thought.  So I did.  I thought to myself, if this is that way I go, it is worth it.  I love the ocean, sailing, swimming and deep sea diving; I can't think of anything else that offers so many ways to enjoy what it has to offer.  While I thought there was a risk, I decided it was minimal.  I went back to the car, pulled out my towel out and headed back to the water.  I peeled off my clothes, stuffed them in the sleeves of my winter coat and took the plunge.  I was so motivated that I returned to the car, covered by my towel, retrieved my camera (to take the picture below), and jumped back in the ocean for a second time.  I am so certain that anyone would share my enthusiasm that I invite anyone to join me on January 1, 2014 and see how powerful this experience can be for yourself.  

Why?  The real question is why not?  We can spend the rest of our lives wishing we climbed that mountain, ran that marathon, committed to a cause we really believe in, took a chance and started that business, or took that trip around the world.  My life is now tailored to what makes me happy, not in a selfish way, but in a way that makes me feel more alive.  Experiencing being in temperatures easily capable of inducing hypothermia does just that;  it reminds me how amazing the simple things in life can be, and something else;  it is a transformation away from the typical existence, making me acutely aware of the gift of life.  Never will you feel more alive than when you are in the face of a great challenge.  Never will you feel more successful than when you overcome that challenge; do so, and your self equity rises exponentially.  Next year, same place, same time 

Photography: Remarkable Eye ( )

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Spirit of Happiness

As human beings we go through a whole range of emotional extremes and subtleties; from the need to get up and go to work (whether or not we like it) to celebrating special occasions; from meeting new friends or  successfully completing a goal, to anger about opposing views from our own.  But happiness is a higher state of being; it is an internal wealth of opportunity we can use to transform our lives.

The Dalai Lama has written a book on happiness which millions of people follow; though I have read many books on happiness; I do not believe happiness requires spiritually in the formal sense.  Michael Argyle, in a 2002 publication indicated that from 2001 to the Autumn of 2002 (when his article was published) over 100 new titles have been released on happiness.  With so much emphasis on it, why are we still publishing information about happiness?  Simple, it is the foremost balance we can achieve as human beings.

Happiness is a balance we find within ourselves.  So where do we find this happiness?  Certainly not in material and superficial objects.  No, such things offer a certain pleasure but there is a clear difference between pleasure and happiness.  Happiness is a state of mind when other factors that offer superficial happiness are absent.  Owning a Porsche, a home, getting a raise, eating great food; these things offer momentary pleasure; more importantly, go too much in one direction or the other and they can disappear.  Too much food you over eat, have a car too long, it loses its appeal. Take another example slightly different scenario.

Place yourself on a beach watching the sunset.  While being at the beach provides comfort, the act of watching the sunset (with someone or without someone you enjoy), provides an internal long lasting memory that cannot be removed.  Standing atop a mountain overlooking a grand valley or other mountains on a clear day offers something similar.  Owning a sailboat is one experience but sailing in a wide open space with gentle trade-winds can be transformative.

I begin each morning with a ritual of my own that offers the happiness I seek.  Based solely on my actions and my self understanding of what I need I; each morning I go through a series of meditation poses; I also recite my own personal mantra.  These two activities are not based on anyone else's knowledge, approval, or acknowledgement.  These activities merely add what I found balances my inner self.  They are absent of desires, result in no questions, yet provide complete and utter happiness; it is because nothing else is attached to their existence that allows these activities to be so fulfilling.  More over happiness is something you need to find on your own journey.  So what led me to these activities that provide such balance.

As I was standing on a large boulder, overlooking the Atlantic Ocean, relieved of any inhibitions, I raised one knee and began; arms spread, palms up...  It simply felt right.  A release of needs, desires, wants and an absorption of what seemed to exist on a similar plane; the rocks, the ocean, the sunlight, the air.  The absence of give or take, mere existence in the present, and the state of being.