Happiness is a quintessential emotion in our lives. We thrive when we are happy, we perform at our best when we are happy, we naturally engage people around us when we are happy, and our life seems to be able to open new doors to where we would like to go next, when we are happy. A January 3 2013 article in Scientific American says "Mindfulness meditation-- which has been around for well over 2000 years..." has a Mindful Based Stress Reduction"
Here approaches to help keep you in a happier frame of mind and a way to apply them into your own life, if these things present a challenge. One of the first steps in being happy is to take time out to learn about yourself; from recognizing when emotional shifts are occurring to when chemical reactions occur inside that allow you to achieve what you thought to be impossible, truly understanding your emotions and recognizing barriers that impede your happiness-- no matter who or what they are.
Happiness vs Emptiness: Have you ever noticed when you are really happy, how nothing else seems to matter in that moment. Maybe it was because of something your children accomplished; a vacation you deserved and you are caught up in the moment of that once-in-a-lifetime euphoria; or perhaps participating in an activity like sky diving you though you didn't have the courage to do-- but you did it! It is a wonder that as much as we love to be happy, how little of our time is dedicated to being happy. Here are a few tips: 1) identify 10 things that make you happy, promise yourself each day you will do at least one of them and spend the rest of your life being happy 2) know that takes you to that emotion level 3) spend time around other people who are happy and you will find that you will become that way more often 4) don't spend your life doing something that doesn't make you happy just because it feels like security or an obligation. One of the reasons people are trying other career choices is because there are so many resources to help us do and explore that using technology or auditing a graduate course etc.
Relaxation vs Stress: Relaxation is an important function to be able to achieve. An April 2012 article in Scientific American stated "Stress, in fact, can cripple our most advanced mental faculties". In our lives we can either reduce stress or make ourselves stress free. Meditation is a great retreat into yourself that requires no outside forces. Start with simple 30 second cycles and only one is necessary to begin with. Remember you are working your way into to this process. If you can be still in your mind and physically, then I encourage you to do so. Find a quiet place, all devices that make sound should be turn off, and you may want meditation music or a gentle bubbling fountain in the background. The easiest way to describe how to achieve the stillness you need, is to not process any thought; if a thought enters your mind, allow yourself to not process the next level of that thought. So if you are thinking of blue, don't go the the next phase and connect it with the sky or your car etc. just let it be and see if you can stop yourself progressively from thinking any further.
Clarity vs Clutter: Clarity exists in many forms, mental clarity, our physical space, our homes, or our lives. Organizing our lives is a great was to begin. We have so much stuff (emotional, physical etc.) that we can't often decide what to do with it all. Start by asking yourself what I can do without. When you begin to unload the burdens of friend's expectations of you you also free up some of that space to be a better you, and find other ways to support friends. Cluttered home space? Start to post some things online and either give them away or sell them for a few bucks and get a little fuel for your car or buy a public transportation pass
Social vs Isolation: We are social creatures by nature. Case in point; I sat down with my laptop in the courtyard just the other day; a neighbor was standing on his patio looked over and asked, "can you get online?" He continued, "...because I can give you my password if you would like to get online" I affirmed that I was already connected, and thanked him- along with an explanation. Random acts of kindness often can remind us of what a meaningful experience socializing can be. Though it is easy to get caught up in Web, take time to get out and connect with others. A simple greeting, kind gesture, an unselfish act, are ways that reinforce our connection to other people, without obligation but with a great degree of satisfaction. There are also great social groups that get together such as meetup.com, where you can connect with like minded people for just about any activity you have an interest in. Individuals in these groups exist in every major city and many minor ones. If you haven't been to the theater in years, find where they might be doing free public performances, most cities have them
Peace vs Chaos: We need little explanation for this one; we all recognize whee things are crazy in our life, but peace of mind differs from happiness in subtle ways. Feeling good about decisions you make really depend on how you want to feel. Another way to look at peace of mind is balance in your life. Here you are fulfilling your obligations while also meeting your personal needs-- which by the way should include being happy. Yoga, meditation, or just quiet time are excellent for this. There is not a religion in the world that doesn't talk about the importance of inner peace. Start with 5 minutes a day if you are way to busy! Stop everything that is around you from disturbing you and just stop. This does not have to be meditation time it can just be you time. You might take a moment to walk outside and appreciate the warmth of the sun on your face, the brisk air if that is your fancy; sit and enjoy being with just yourself. You will be amazed at how rewarding this activity can be, we don't often stop everything just for nothing. Remember Chaos can't exist if things aren't moving
Health vs. Neglect: In a January article in Time magazine researchers state that "...a specific signal that at its peak-- say, when your muscles are screaming that you can't do another rep or your brain refuses to focus on that page-- prompts you to quit. Managing your personal health is crucial. A daily health routine can help you get back to center. Walking, cycling, aerobics, running, weight lifting, are among the most popular activities to partake in. The great thing about these activities is once you begin the investment is very little. By a comfortable pair of running shoes and start a conversation with a friend about walking or running regularly. If you're looking for a little more tempo, purchase a bike on Craigslist to see your level of commitment then step up your game. You will begin to feel as though your lifestyle cannot do without. Start your routine of simply and set weekly goals to increase your activity. Stepping up in 15 minute increments a a really good idea. Reward yourself when you reach a goal and then step up your level after doing so until you get to where you want to be.
Follow your passion in life: This section gets a certain level of dedication because of its importance to each one of my readers; not so much because I know you but because almost everyone has a passion for something, they just have not realized that passion-- yet . Remember what it felt like when you were a kid and had your first thought or big dream about what you realized you wanted to be when you grew up, however real or unreal it feels now. Two things 1) Are you following your passion and 2) It is not too late. Passion is a very powerful force; it seems to be able to summons something inside of us we do not realize is there, enabling us to rise above any occasion. Don't spend the remainder of your life or even another moment postponing your passion. Even if you only find a way to fit a piece of your passion into your current lifestyle, you will be better off than never following it at all. Nothing is more rewarding than to do something you have always wanted to do. Chances are that if you find a way to allow even a pinch of that passion into your life, you will find a way to make it grow.
Happiness depends a lot on self awareness and change. Be aware of the ebb and flow internally and externally, these are the two systems that are affected by the events that occur in your life. After you have that awareness be prepared to make incremental changes to bring you closer (without disappointments) to your goals.
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