There are benefits in the emergence of these subjects(which hereafter is identified as the environment) but it is equally important to ensure the general public has a simple way of looking broadly at what events are impacting the environment, why are they occurring, who decisionmakers are, what is being done, and most importantly what are reliable sources of information.
Lost in translation
The more research I do the more challenging it becomes to relay this information in a simple way in which anyone can interpret without much thought. Bear with me because for the next two paragraphs this issue gets complex enough to want to stop reading, but just briefly. My hope is that you stay engaged enough so I can simplify just one of the many avenues, concerning the environment and encourage you to be active in some part of this, consistently. You don’t have to be an expert in all areas, just find something that moves you.
Compromising the integrity of our environment is resulting in new government agencies, complex policies, new legislation, new student groups, new organizations, businesses etc. Stating that we are compromising the integrity of our environment is not conjecture, there is solid evidence.
Any time one uses a resource faster than it is being replenished, one is compromising that resource, if counter measures do not replenish or enhance that resource’s original state without modifying its original quality (i.e. tampering with hybrid or synthetic stimulants to artificially reproduce the original product) the ability for it to yield further enrichment is reduced.
In short nature knows best. What happens in the cycles of the natural environment are virtually perfect. All the agencies and organizations serve their purpose, but all consequently make it difficult to understand priorities and where to begin if you are to have any interest at all, of doing something meaningful.
At best what we as people can do is learn how to use our resources more effectively, to support the natural system resulting from human activity. That may mean using less, using it smarter (e.g., using what is available vs. what is accessible), not using it at all, or letting it use us. Not to get too far off track, preservation and conservation are key environmental responses to a very complex problem. Back to simplicity.
Government agencies
There are multiple government agencies at global, continental, country, state, regional, city, and town levels. At each of these levels there is or should be a body that deals with water, waste, energy, air, and land. Each of these categories has several subsets for example water can include recapture(sequestration,) quality etc; waste could include recycling, disposal etc. You should decide what you want to concern yourself with; learn about lead agencies; decide what level you want to affect; and determine who are the thought leaders at the grass roots , political, and business level.
Hundreds of thousands of organizations exist around, lots of them are great. I cannot make that decision for you because each of us is different. My recommendation is for you to think about your personal philosophy and identify an organization whose mission is aligned with your philosophy. Determine the availability of your level of involvement so you can remain effective. Invest a little time to see what real work they are doing. I like the work of a few which I am happy to share the why with you if you decide to email me rather than influence the objective of this article.
I tend not to be too influenced by people but rather the material they produce. A Martin Luther King quote is somewhat applicable here: ...judge me not by the color of my skin but by the content of my character. I will use my poetic license and say judge me not by the content of the skin I am in but by the content of what my character helps achieve. If you get captured by one person you will miss a lot of the great thinking(or content) that is out there. What is happening now is really amazing. There are people in government you should know about because they are changing the way you will live. Some grass roots people are doing really worth while things. But there are also people who are just jumping on the bandwagon and it is easy to become disenchanted. Explore what is occurring in other countries and assemble a cocktail of work by people you feel demonstrate real commitment. Kenya has environmental rights in their new constitution as does Ecuador (here pdf)
What I am doing
I would be remiss if I did not share with you what making a difference means in my own life. I am a firm believer in live what you speak. A couple of years ago I sold three of my motorized vehicles and bought a bike- best decision I ever made. I am more fit and making an environmental difference. I turn my hot water tank to vacation during the hot summer months. I shower shorter; flush less, use less sink water and pressure, and put a stopper to reduce use of the dish disposal. I compost, prepare multiple meals rather than just one, for the week. I carpool on long road trips. I get most of my books from the library(saving the production of more books). I turned off my iphone(reducing my electrical usage and exposure to radiation- not to mention more me time). I don’t own a t.v. and I unplug the electronics I do have for days at a time. I use a gel pack to keep my laptop temperature down, thereby prolonging the life since heat accelerates the deterioration of a product(be mindful that this is not a recommendation- moisture can have a negative affect on electronics, but it works for me). I also use a laptop because it uses less energy than a PC. I hang dry my clothes rather than using the dryer. I garden and harvest my own food whenever possible-- and share with friends. I educate and persuade when possible thereby accelerating the knowledge of environmentalism. I sit on a grocer co-op Board and write environmental articles as well because that is what I value and believe is one of the best ways for me to make a difference. I keep my clothes as long as they will have me and try to learn as much as I can about these issues because even for me it is overwhelming.
Most important
Being an active participant in this work of environmentalism is amazing because it is noncompetitive as far as I am concerned. I have an environmental business interest that I believe will really make a difference, but I don’t feel the need to compete. Finding smart ways for applying the natural systems of the environment to function cohesively, within the framework of how our human activity impacts the environment, is the key.
Scotland Willis is a columnist, blogger, public speaker and environmental strategist.
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