Wednesday, March 28, 2012

FedEx Failure-On-Delivery

Tracking no.: 929884165690490

Every once in a while we experience disappointments in our life.  If we are fortunate enough, we grow from them and improve our performance.  Other times, we experience a complete and utter breakdown in the delivery of service; an experience I had with FedEx recently.

Following FedEx protocol, I was provided with a tracking number for a computer I ordered from Dell ( a computer company in the United States); this tracking number was provided so that I could make plans to receive my new computer.  As one should, I proceeded to visit the FedEx web site and identify where my package was in the shipping process.  In fact, I initially contacted Dell, to get an idea of when I might expect shipment.  While Dell informed me that I may receive my computer on the 4th of the month, I discovered by visiting the Dell site, that my computer shipped out on the 26th and that I should expect delivery on the 28th.

This was great.  I was going to get my computer well ahead of schedule and I could take on the lead in a project I was working on with some partners promising them that I would have power I needed to complete the project and its critical components.  If that was in fact what would occur.

Despite that the tracking information indicated that my package would arrive on the 28th, I returned home only to find out that FedEx attempted to make a delivery on the 27th!  What!  I double checked my notes and the screen that indicated when the delivery was expected.  I printed a copy of the monitor display for certainty.  Sure enough, they completely miscommunicated when my delivery would arrive.

Confused I decided to call FedEx and ask if I could pick up the package.  An agent told me I could and that the facility where my package was being stored was located in Brockton, MA about a 40 minute drive; in Boston traffic, it was more like 1:10 hour/ minutes- and it was late, already 7:00 p.m.   I was not going to be able to get my package that evening.  Actually what I told the representative was that 1) Brocton was way too far for me and 2) I would wait until tomorrow.

The events that ensued after these chains of communication and research online to understand better where my computer might be, became only more frustrating.

Continuing to research exactly where my product is, I use the tracking number on the FedEx web site that Dell provided me with and learned that my package was in transit.  Anxious to pick up the pace of this project, I decided to take time off from work and await delivery.  It never happened!  What did happen is this.

After waiting until 6:00 p.m. I decided to call FedEx.  A representative picked up the phone after several annoying computer prompts.  Now computer prompts should be left for people who do not know what they want or who they need to speak to.  I think the first prompt should go something like this "... if you know what course of action you would like to take state it now and we will place you in direct contact with that department."  They don't and between that and lackluster call centers, customer service at FedEx is quite disappointing.

Having called back three times now, a customer resolution specialist took my case; why this is so bothersome is because he never resolved my problem.  He made an effort to contact the station- that was good.  I actually didn't mind being put on hold, if I would actually get some results.  What aggravated me was that when he returned to my call, he indicated that "...the delivery was in route..."  Even after speaking with the Senior Station Manager, I was assured that the delivery was on the truck and " would be delivered tonight..."  Imagine my surprise when I pulled up after going to a colleagues (fellow engineer) house, now 10:34 p.m. and my signed package delivery authorization was still posted on the door.

I waited for another hour and no package; I waited two more hours and not package.  I called back to customer service (again) and spoke with this gentleman again.  Now he began to annoy me because he kept saying to me.1) I've done everything I can... and ; 2) I can't ....I can't ... I can't.  Wrong answer!  He never even attempted to say.  You know what Mr. Willis, We are going to make this right for you.  Let me make a recommendation to the senior manager.

My proposal was to transform the situation and figure out how to make an advertisement out of this scenario by going to an extraordinary length and reenacting the event to work in FedEx's favor.  That clearly is not going to happen.  What else is not likely to happen is that this will go viral and people will consider not using FedEx; heck I will likely still use them, but I will be much more discerning about mailing a package and make more of an effort to send my packages via another carrier.

The entire day has now gone by; it is 11:45 p.m. and I am running out of steam.  Funny thing is I am a happy person.  I don't recall being this bothered by something for some time.  I think what bothered me most is that all the information I was given was wrong: the dates, the times, the delivery; there was no accountability system that made someone behave differently and served my needs.

I don't mind being disappointed, it actually helps to add balance to life; what I have no patience for is complete dysfunction and that is what I experienced with FedEx today.  Nobody knew where the package was nor if it would be delivered.  We'll see what tomorrow delivers.  If I am fortunate, I will receive my package before 10:00 a.m. or at all for that matter- why, because they still do not know where my package is.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

A Day in Boston the BLC

Auntie and Mom
by Scotland Willis
(click on photos to enlarge)

Boston is an amazing city.  I tell all my guests and friends  it is the Big Little City, with a population just over 600,000 people.  What Boston lacks in population, it recovers in activity and vibrance.  Today was one of those days.  A look at some photos will tell the story, in less than two hours, I made a choice encounter, explored the wild, enjoyed great music, and observed the wake of an unfortunate fire.
Puddingstone Place
That's just it, there is always something happening here especially when the weather breaks.  People come out of the wood-works like you would not believe; like ants emerging to explore the newness of the landscape, the energy, the voices and sounds of The City are all remarkable.  Boston is full of entertainment, which you'll find in just about every part of the city if you choose to explore.  And that is the key; when you do Boston, you have to open yourself up to explore-- everything.

Today was one of those days.  After an early rise, in anticipation of the great weather Boston was going to have, I began my day with a short workout; listing the things I needed to get done, a quick visit to my moms to see my visiting aunt from Florida, clean house (Puddingstone Place) and I am out-a-here!  And before I could get out the door, a cardinal, posing for me- possibly signaling that this was going to be a brilliant day.
Jackson Station T stop

A short walk to public transportation and my journey begins; the cool, but warming air feels great!  As usual I pack my camera in anticipation of capturing something unusual-- that is exactly what happened.  My arrival at the Orange Line T(Boston's underground subway), and I encountered my second subject for the day, a bird of prey.  Swooping  over my head, it perched itself upon a ledge in the train station, allowing me to capture its stature.  Wow, (thrilled that I brought my camera with me)!  I should have known it was going to be this kind of day.  If this was the only thing I captured it was well worth it.

Mr. C' Jackson Station T platform
A walk down the stairs to the platform and I encounter a young aspiring engineer who also plays the guitar.  I decide to engage in a conversation only to learn that he is attending the same school for under graduate work as my graduate school.  It was an honor to meet young Mr. C'.  We exchanged emails and hopefully will stay in touch.

Berklee Music Students Boylston St.
I disembark at my stop "Back Bay!" the conductor announces, and begin to absorb the life of The City.  You can feel the energy rising.  A simple turn right, and a left two blocks later leads me to the clamor of locals and visitors soaking up the sun and enjoying the outdoors
 on Copley Plaza; this leaves me with high anticipation of what is still to come as Summer is just around the corner.  This time last year we were still flirting with bitterly cold temperatures.

Up a few more blocks to the iPhone store and off again to connect with the city.  It is definitely a walking day.  Half a block up I begin to hear the sound of The City come to life.  It looks like Berklee music students have gotten together to have an outdoor jam session.  Beneficiaries? all onlookers.

Boylston & Mass Ave
Too interesting a day to take underground transportation the whole way so I start to walk to Fenway.  Fire! wow.

So that is a typical day in Boston, perhaps not so typical; but if you take time and put effort into making the best out of Boston, you will not be disappointed.  There is almost unavoidably plenty to do and see in Boston.  Whatever you do, don't just sit around and do nothing.

Female Insecurities

Female insecurities manifest in many ways.  They can result from years of ridicule in school, abusive parents, peer pressure, or the common pressures of societies expectations (you're too fat,'re not beautiful enough, this to look sexy, "...if your not beautiful, you're something else- and that's not important, so be somebody").  Yesterday I had a conversation with someone I truly Love(not romantically).  I was deeply troubled by a statement she made because it was not something that would come up in the basic context of our conversation [embarking upon a new relationship], but rooted in her life experience, impacting her self perception.

It ended up something like this "...I always felt that Latino men weren't attracted to me", no exactly like that.  Ok. Stop!

First of all, I am seriously passionate about Latina culture for many reasons- sex appeal being one major attraction; they maintain a culture that is enduring with passion in their dance, music, dress, and even attitude.

That being said I could never allow my self image to be defined by this culture, nor can it influence whether or not I feel whole as a person.  This is where my warning to(let's just call her Alise) for Alise was anchored.  My suggestion was simple 1) look at how a certain culture manipulates your father and his need to feel accepted 2) "you are both beautiful and sexy".  The issues is more so that most men don't have the courage to communicate what they think about you (as far as attraction goes).  So don't get bent out of shape if a particular type of person is appears to not be attracted to you.

Think of how much of one's life is molded around branding sexuality and beauty.  Then think about equating the amount of time you spend striving to achieve that status.  My question is simple; does the amount of time you invest in clothes, physical appearance( I am specifically omitting health, because maintaining your health is very important- so it can be a fine line), aesthetic appearance, lifestyle facades, really repay itself in the end?  For some perhaps it does, but what is that threshold of return on investment? When do we compromise our self confidence for superficiality and desire for acceptance?

Siem Reap SE Asia
The best return on your investment is to find what makes you feel whole be systematically eliminating the superficial factors that might define who you are.  Who do you end up with?  Can you find peace and confidence in who you see as you look at yourself, without depending on the elements around you to color up who you might not be?  This is not to say that the world we interact with will not influence us, it should to some degree; just be clear on who you are when you embrace something new.  Allow that person, event, thing, culture, activity etc. to enhance your life (by adding character) but not define your life.

Being you is awesome, especially when you take a step back, look at what you appreciate about what you have done in your life, smile at what is good and wholesome about you- then, just enjoy being you.     

Females are not the only ones with insecurities; it just happens that I care about this one more than words can say.