I fired up the Harley Davidson VROD, having decided that I would take a quick spin since it was so nice outside. Still, I wasn't sure where it was taking me. Initially I planned on going to the grocery store to get some multi-grain bread. While Trader Joes has my favorite bread, they don't have many of my other favorites (I try to stay away from processed foods).
My friends in Estonia have a strong sense of national pride and it is one of the things that makes them so amazing to me (Allan and Karoli). And this is the heart of this article, the impact friends have on what you do in life. Where you meet them, what is occurring at the time and where you are spiritually/ metaphysically etc.
I lead a very ordinary live, my experiences are exceptional, and exceptional experiences become what they become because of what I want out of those experiences. Secondly, the people I meet are amazing not because of who they are (meaning their social status) or what they have, but because of what they want out of life. Zach C. I met during his short and simple visit in Boston, but he had a lasting impact on me as a result of our discussion about decisions regarding college, professional writing experiences, social networks and technology. Lisa is a woman I met from Canada who moved to Australia. She is amazing in so many ways; from the very natural way she inspires me to write to her insights into my being, she seems to understand things about me no one else does. Andre and Andria befriended me and have become life long friends after talking about my book Seed (still in the works). Andria's background directly relates to the topic of my writing interests. Lise from Quebec has an exceptional gift of kindness and has invited me to come and visit with her and her husband. They are an extraordinary couple and seeing them together elevates the joy in my heart-- there relationship is magical yet simple. David who is an English specialist from Switzerland has chosen to return for another visit. David also dances competitively (he is quite good). And Amanda and Mark, whom I visited with last summer opened their home and hearts each is a master in their fields of photography and sculpture (respectively).
I have made friends with people all around the world. Today was exception on a local level.
Four years ago I met Mario after purchasing a sailboat to sail from Boston to Cape Cod, on my first solo open water journey. No instructions just faith, research for what I needed. Prior to making the full trip, I connected with Mario after searching for an alternative motor for my sailboat on Craigslist. Mario provided a motor I needed to make the trip safe. Upon arriving in Hull, MA, Mario greeted me with kindness and as promised, a motor. Harry was a long time friend of Mario's and offered a battery that I needed, further ensuring safe travels. So my motorcycle ride took me across Boston, into Cambridge, back to Boston and then out to Wollaston Beach in Quincy, then to Hingham and finally to Hull, where I would be reacquainted with Mario after passing his house-- four years after our initially meeting. Having passed his house, I turned around noticing two boats in the driveway. That had to be him I thought. To my pleasant surprise, Mario was working on his boat. We greeted each other as old friends might. His hands soiled with grease and dirt from working on the motor, firmly gripped my own, it was a comforting familiarity. We began talking about sailing, motorcycles and Craigslist- as friends would.
Each of the persons I have just spoken of reflect something in me that is somewhat of a quest. Perhaps it is a quest to get the most out of life, possibly to answer questions I have not been able to answer myself, or perhaps it is to engage with people who seem to make my life more amazing just by knowing them. Their kindness, positive energy and personal journeys speak volumes of what I seek myself. In this respect I suppose we are very much the same. We all had a journey, a story to share and a desire to listen for something new.