We live in our insular worlds; increasing pressure to not disturb the larger systems that are in place-- where does that leave us?
A challenging question for sure; it is difficult to take action against unfairness whether it is police misconduct or failing politicians, responding to the needs of poverty or giving more of ourselves. Government structures are creating laws that increasingly restrict what public misconduct is as well.
But the world we live in is a complex one, technology for all its amenities has also resulted in the ability for computer smart programmers, to exploit average consumers credit cards; while most of the world love craigslist, how do we contend with the violent behaviors from predatory people? And we are suppose to be able to trust the politicians we put in office to act on our behalf and band together when they do not resulting in someone who does.
The balance of the law is not just about what we expect of the judicial system and legislators, but what our action result in. In a world where things just keep increasing in size, how do you leverage help when there are so many burgeoning causes-- all of them with meaning and justification for action. Overwhelmed we often won't disrupt the status quo. But keep in mind this, the most exciting, meaningful and important events throughout history have been disruptive; disruptive technology, disruptive social moments, even in business there are opportunities that exist because of calculated disruptions that break the mold of what is tradition.
Organizations like policymic, policemisconduct.net (The CATO Insitute), IPCC, Harvard scientist converting energy into energy, Pew Research, and thousands more mark the importnace of individual actions; more importantly the power of crowd sourcing-- something we are part of but don't often use. We as individuals have the power like never before to assemble in an interconnected philosophic way, mount our ideas and beliefs and change the world. It does not always work out with the ease and simplicity we would like it to, sometimes we can even question why bother; but in the end, we have moved the needle across the arch that bends towards justice. We as individuals are the balance of the law.
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