Friday, December 14, 2012

Leadership Focus

Dear Readers,

Due to the overwhelming response to the leadership articles, I have decided (at the additional prompting of a dear friend) to branch off the leadership content which will serve you as a subscriber base.   Leadership Everywhere can be found here (link).  This will allow me to focus on leadership issues and better serve the level of interest for a wide ranging audience from around the world.

For those not familiar with subscription to blogs I will provide you with detailed steps to make the transition.

The Format
Every ten days, I will produce an article that is based on two elements
1) Business leadership realm
2) Political leadership realm

This is not to focus on politics to any degree but rather focus on decision-making in general.  The reason is simple, many of the biggest decision-makers are in political positions.  What this allows leads to the second focus of the format-- case studies.

Case studies
Both political and business leaders make decisions that set excellent scenarios for case studies.  To be clear, we will not be discussing politics but rather the actions, consequences and attributes related to how effective the decisions are relative to the implications and understanding why.

The bulk of issues should be able to be captured therein.  We will look at examples from around the world that you should be able to apply locally.

Content for discussion

trust, performance, relationship/ performance results; goals; objectives; technical; benchmarks;
milestones; collaborators; targets; VP; direct reports; announce branching off; internal stake-holders; training;
and development; high performers, team development; engagement; alignment; and innovation.

Your input is encouraged.  It is priceless to collect feedback from around the world to better understand the cultural differences in decision-making and decision outcomes.  Living in a global society, being more familiar with cultural implications, better equips us to navigate the highways of organizational behaviors, further increasing our opportunities for success within and without our enterprises.

Kind regards,

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